Would you like to start your own concession trailer business?

If you’re thinking of starting a food concession trailer business, you probably have a menu in mind. But it takes more than a few great recipes to get your business from idea to ignition. If you’re ready to start a food concession trailer business, here are a few things to consider:

  1. Are you flexible? The food concession trailer business is not for those that want to keep bankers’ hours. It can be a 15+ hour per day job if you’re stationed at a sporting event or a festival. And while your dream might be to play mobile chef, you will also need to be ready to change tires and serve as a roadside mechanic as well as run your business like a dedicated CEO/CFO.
  2. Are you social? For a food concession trailer to be successful, you’ll need to position your business in a visible, high-traffic location full of hungry people as often as possible. The best way to do this is to make a list of festivals, flea markets, carnivals and community events in your city that accepts food vendors. Find the people responsible for setting up these events, and make sure you are top of mind when they are making preparations for their events. Festivals take vendor applications weeks and even months before an event, so it’s a good idea to start calling as soon as you get your permit.
  3. Do you have a good support system? Starting a new business is hard. Starting a food concession trailer business can be even harder. To fully immerse into the food concession trailer life, you might be working 6-7 days per week, and a normal day could last 12 hours or more. And the emotional roller coaster of getting a business up and running can leave little time for anything else. You need to cultivate a core group of trusted confidants who can see you at your worst—and still remind you that you’re the best.
  4. Don’t wimp out on your wheels. When starting a new business, it can seem like a good idea to try and go cheap whenever possible. While this might seem like a savvy financial move, it can backfire when it comes to your mobile kitchen. Your concession trailer is what is literally going to keep your business moving forward—it’s crucial that it is equipped with everything you’ll need to be successful. Don’t try to go it alone, or buy a modified trailer with lots left out. It’s important to talk to professionals who can listen to your needs, problem solve any future issues, and get you safely on the road to success.

Are you ready to start the ride of your life?  Give the team at Custom Trailer Pros a call. We’re here to answer any questions you have and are ready to help you put your dreams into drive. Give us a call today at 1-800-859-5405 or just click HERE to get started!

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